Service Implemented : May 1999

Service Duration: 6 months

Their recommendations were to dredge the grease solids or to build new ponds at a projected cost of over $1 million dollars. 20 million pounds of fats, oils, and greases were biologically oxidized during the contract.

Benefits of GES:
 Reduction of surcharge
 Effluent levels reduced
 Foul odors eliminated
 Less solid buildup
 Ponds restored to capacity


Wamplers Chicken processes over 160,000 birds per day. This generates approximately 650,000 gpd of wastewater. The treatment system consists of rotary drum screens, gravity separation, ozonization, and two 4 million gallon aerobic ponds.


Due to demands of increased production, the aerobic ponds had become overloaded. Mats of dehydrated grease up to 3 feet thick covered both ponds. Foul anaerobic odors caused the local citizens to publicly rail against the facility. Local regulators were fining the operation for grease deposits in the receiving sewer and for exceeding discharge limits for BOD, TSS and FOG.


Due to the public outcry, Wamplers needed an immediate solution.
In order to remove the back inventory of grease already in the ponds, the facility sought the services of consulting engineers. Their recommendations were to dredge the grease solids or to build new ponds at a projected cost of over $1 million dollars.

Environmental Biotech (EBI) proposed a relatively low cost alternative, in-situ bioremediation. They initiated GES treatment and monitoring of the effluent waste quality.

In addition, the pretreatment system was upgraded to stem the rate of grease build-up in the ponds, aeration was added to pond #2, modifications to stop short circuiting to ensure the entire pond volume was utilized for treatment and improvements were made to the influent and effluent structures of both ponds.


Odors were eliminated within days of initiating the program. The owners and the community were extremely pleased. Over the next 6 months the thick, heavy grease mats were completely eliminated from pond # 2. The aeration zone of pond # 1 was cleared and the mass and depth of grease in separation zone had been reduced dramatically.

Approximately 20 million pounds of fats, oils, and greases were biologically oxidized during the contract.