Chemical-free solution
Our biological solutions are pure, and contain no chemicals, no surfactants, no emulsifiers or added enzymes, all of which are ineffective and cause further problems downstream.

Low Maintenance Costs
Our solutions can drastically reduce the cost of maintaining and pumping out your drain lines, septic tanks, and grease traps and even increase their lifespan.

Corporate Social Responsibility
Since water resources are scarce worldwide and in India, using sustainable solutions and reusing waste water is now a necessity for being socially responsible.

Waste-to-Water Technology
For large establishments, we can collect grease trap waste and process it in a bioreactor that discharges clean water for gardening and flushing. About 5% of the total volume of waste could be used as organic fertilizer.

After several years of research & development, we have designed the bioreactor GreaseSafe® to handle the end of life or grave-end of OFG (oils, fats and grease). The system can be installed in environmentally sensitive sites, industrial areas, in factories, brownfield sites, pre waste water sites, and requires a minimum of 1/3 of an acre. It is capable of handling 50,000 gallons of grease per day, per system. Environmental Biotech built its first GreaseSafe® in Manatee County, Florida (USA) in February 2010. The system has been operating efficiently and in compliance with effluent discharge limits set by the county. In fact, the effluent limits have been lower than allowance by more than 95% constantly since implementation! The system is designed to work with local government, wastewater departments, cities, or even large OFG producers. It is very flexible and we can design and build systems to handle the OFG issues of any business no matter the amount of OFG generated.

Currently, we are offering services for