Drain Blast ™

Best way to remove sugar and starch from drains!

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Drain Blast™is a compact, wall-mounted, automatic micro-drip system to eliminate the sugars and starches from the drain lines and save you from blockages and harmful diseases. It can be installed under the bar/soft drink counter area.

Drain Blast™ uses a biological action that not only consumes the clogs, but also has a built-in deodorizer to eliminate foul smells.

Why Drain Blast™ ?

Non-toxic, non-corrosive and 100% safe
Free of insecticides or poisons and safe for food service drains
Chemical-free since it uses a biological action
No water connection or electricity required
Compact and easy-to-install anywhere in a kitchen or facility
Reusable containers are simple to refill & replace
No maintenance since drains are automatically cleaned


Overflows from soft-drink machines result in rigid build-ups called sugar snakes.
These not only block the pipes but also produce a terrible odour, which annoys customers and frustrates the employees.
Due to the size and location of the post mixer drainage line, it is very difficult for these lines to be cleaned through mechanical processes such as jetting or routing. Cleaning chemicals that are normally used to clean and sanitise post mixers do not break up or eliminate the blockages.
In addition, the presence of sugar leads to drain flies or fruit flies, spreading dangerous diseases such as typhoid, cholera, conjunctivitis and dysenteries.


A Unique and Effective Micro-Drip System
The DrainBlast™ Micro Drip System is designed to meter and deliver a precise high concentration of micro-organisms into the drain line.
As a result of 20 years of research, we have developed robust strains of non-pathogenic (not disease-carrying) and highly active beneficial micro-organisms that have the power to decompose sugar & starch, into harmless carbon dioxide and water.

Disruption of drain flies habitat
DrainBlast™ is effective in solving the problem of drain flies permanently. The solution can either be manually poured into the drain or dispensed by the micro drip System. The solution will not kill the drain flies; it will eliminate the drain fly habitat over a period of just 2 weeks!

How It Works The Sugar Eradication System (SES)™ used in Drain Blast™ is based on the process of bioremediation.

Regular dosing of the beneficial micro-organisms into the drains create high-count microbe colonies that consume the waste settled at the bottom of the drains and keep them free flowing.

FAQs ?

  1. 1

    Where can Drain Blast™ be installed?

    It can be installed under the bar/soft drink counter area and will help keep the drain clear of sugar build-up and the smells that go with it.

  2. 2

    How often is the container replaced?

    The system contains a dispenser that is refilled every 14 or 30 days depending on the size of the establishment and severity of the blockage.

  3. 3

    How else can Drain Blast™ be used?

    Compatible with all floor cleaners, DrainBlast™ can be poured directly into sinks, bath and shower drainage areas to tackle the build-up of soap and hair.

  • Following the introduction of the OFG programme into our stores nationally, we have seen a significant reduction in OFG related maintenance issues and call-outs. Prior to installation, this was a constant problem for us to deal with.


    Eddie Ostrowski, Head of Facilities Management, ASDA Supermarkets (UK)

  • We are absolutely delighted with the results we have achieved. Prior to installation, pump stations were breaking down on a near weekly basis, resulting in exorbitant call out charges. The results were so impressive that Anglian Water has introduced the system into other sites around the UK.


    Gary Collins, Anglian Water Collection Manager (UK)

  • We don’t normally recommend a system but, in terms of meeting requirement, this is the first time such a system [GES] has been approved in Australia.


    Colin Judge, Spokespoerson for Sydney Water (Australia)